
Finding inspiration is necessary in order to get some dimension into what we do.

Finding inspiration is necessary in order to get some dimension into what we do.


Hello, and welcome to my website. The therapy process invites self-curiosity to awaken what works well while at the same time compassionately seeks to heal wounds that continue to hold pain. There are many reasons to enlist a psychotherapist, including seeking a better understanding of yourself, following a path of self-discovery, looking for hope and support, or stepping more powerfully into yourself to live the life you wish to have.

Therapy can help shift your deeper sense of purpose and meaning to create greater room for living more authentically. And since our relationships are so core to engaging our biggest selves, talking with a therapist can often help identify personal patterns of relating to help enjoy more satisfying connections.

As you consider what type of therapist will work best for you, I invite you to explore the information on my website to gain a better understanding of me, my services, and what I may bring to the relationship.
